Hiking suggestions

The nature park has many hiking trails

The hilly Wienerwald in the nature park invites the whole family to relax. Various routes lead through the protected area, and these can be divided into different levels of difficulty. All hikes are well suited for families with walkable children.

Our hiking tips

  • Make sure you are well dressed. An onion look equalises different air temperatures and weather situations. 
  • Our hiking trails can be muddy in places after rain. Sturdy shoes with sufficient tread ensure a good footing on the forest floor and prevent injuries.
  • Find out about the length and duration of the planned hike and the weather conditions. For example, a leisurely walk from Kellerwiese along the nature trail to the Deutschwald animal enclosures takes approx. 30 minutes in each direction.

Animals, water and beech trees (4 km, 30 hm, 1 hour) - ideal for children

An easy circular trail leads from the Kellerwiese (with domestic animal enclosures) along the nature trail with the SAWI children's stations to the game enclosures near the nature park center. From there, the most exciting way is to return along the climate-friendly beech path next to it. Mostly suitable for all-terrain baby carriages.

Up to the Schöffelstein (4 km, 200 hm, 90 min) - steep ascent is rewarded with comfortable tree loungers.

From the Kellerwiese (with pet enclosures), follow the Kellerwiesengasse to the right on the Salamanderweg to the "Darüber-Blick" platform, where you can take a short break and observe the nature park bees.
Shortly after the platform, a connecting path leads to the right to the "Frauenbründl", a spring that has existed since 1861, but has now largely dried up. From there, the bat trail continues up to the "Denk-Mal" on the Schöffelstein, the highest elevation in the nature park and the new Schöffelstein meadow. Continue along the bat trail back down to the "Waldtreff-Lichtblick" rest area, a clearing with a shelter hut, tree loungers and a small forest playground. From there, follow the woodpecker trail to the right and reach a slight slope to the wild boar enclosure and further on to the nature park center with the deer and red deer enclosure, a wood laboratory and another forest play area. From there the nature experience trail leads back to the starting point at the P&R facility.

Around the nature park (5 km, 200 hm, 90 min) - uphill and downhill

The nature park circular trail leads from the "Sängerbrunnen" via the stations "Darüber-Blick" and "Waldbiotop" (where you can also take a short rest) up to the "Waldtreff-Lichtblick" with another opportunity to take a rest. Afterwards the path leads downhill to the nature park center and via the nature experience trail back to the starting point.

To the "Aus-Blick" on the Rudolfswarte (2 km, 100 hm, 30 min) - for a wonderful distant view a little further.

Both the circular route around the nature park and the route up to the Schöffelstein can be extended with the rewarding view and a hike to the Rudolfswarte. The starting point is the rest area "Waldtreff-Lichtblick" From there the trail first leads along the Buchenweg and then continues steeply uphill (there are also switchbacks to avoid) until you reach a T-junction. From there, continue left for a short distance and at the next junction turn left again for a last short distance to Rudolfswarte. Return the same way. Alternatively, after the first descent shortly before the Waldtreff-Lichtblick, the Buchenweg is a good way back to the Sängerbrunnen.