Measures to prevent vandalism (2022)

Protection through knwoledge!

In almost all urban recreational areas, there are always problems with wilful or negligent damage to our facilities. We have taken an innovative approach by asking young people what they think would be sensible measures.

The most important element of the project was the involvement of local young people. It was important to us that no one pointed a finger at others, but that everyone worked together to find a solution and improve the situation against senseless destruction. It turned out that the young people's perspective - as soon as they realise the value of nature - is similar to that of those who work to protect nature on a daily basis. Through the young people's intensive engagement with the topic, we were able to make Purkersdorf more sensitive to the requirements of a protected area and raise their awareness of inappropriate use. Knowledge of the problems of a protected area and its management creates a greater understanding of the need for applicable rules among various user groups in the nature park.

We supported our partner school, the Josef Schöffel Middle School, in making a video project in the 2022 school year in which the problem of wilful destruction was addressed both in the nature park and in the Purkersdorf urban area. The video was presented as part of a school project and aroused great interest.

In autumn 2022, we held a round table with representatives of the "re:spect" youth centre and the municipality to develop new ideas for future prevention measures in the nature park to promote a more respectful approach to nature. A survey conducted by the municipality among young people revealed that 58% of this age group had already noticed vandalism in an unpleasant way and would like to see more education.

An important finding of the project was that the entrances to the nature park should be made more visible in order to create greater awareness of "entering a protected area".

The nature park already started this type of improved labelling in 2023. Since then, the nature park has also increasingly involved the pupils of the nature park schools in the nature park's work; there is a monthly nature park day where pupils are involved in the work of the protected area. In addition, 2 A3 information boards have already been designed, which are displayed in highly frequented areas and on information boards.

Short report of the Purkersdorf high school about the rountable