Nature Park 2030 Shaping the future together

The Purkersdorf nature park is currently working on its nature park concept that contains development goals and tasks for 2025-2030. We have created an online survey to collect ideas of all interested parties and nature park guests.

Click here to go directly to the online survey

The new nature park concept will define development goals and tasks for the next 5 years. At the kick-off workshop on 22 April 2024, our stakeholders (municipality, association board, employees, cooperation partners) contributed their ideas for the development strategy and future nature park work.

Thinking about the future together! The results of the kick-off workshop will be explored in greater depth for all 4 Nature Park pillars over the coming weeks:

Thinking together about guidelines for further development!

The results of the kick-off workshop will be analysed in more detail for all 4 nature park pillars over the next few weeks:

  • For the "Protection" pillar, the Vienna Woods Biosphere Reserve will draw up a basic survey on the priorities for nature conservation & sensible conservation measures.
  • For the "Recreation" pillar, we will use the results of our "Nature Tourism Development" pilot project and coordinate these with the requirements & proposals of the Vienna & Lower Austria Urban Environs Management Programme.
  • For the "Education" pillar, an external expert will work with educators to make suggestions for the future-oriented further development of our educational programme.
  • For the "Regional Development" pillar, we will coordinate our development goals with our regional partners. Our visitors and supporters can get involved via our online survey.

In the survey we would like to find out from our visitors...

  • ...what they like and dislike about the Nature Park
  • they rate our facilities (e.g. animal enclosures, play areas, hiking trails) and what they see as needing improvement
  • ...what development priorities they recommend for the next 5 years

The survey takes about 10-15 minutes, it is anonymous and the individual answers will not be published. 

It's worth taking part ! 

All those who take part in the survey can contribute to the Nature Park's development (anonymously if they wish), as the feedback will be taken into account in the new Nature Park concept.

All participants - if they provide their name and email address - can take part in a prize draw and win a €50 meal voucher from the Nature Park Partner Wienerwaldgasthaus Klugmayer (Deutschwaldstraße 1, 3002 Purkersdorf).

For those who want to get involved personally, we offer to come to a Nature Park roundtable on Friday, 11 October 2024 at 18:00 h at the Wienerwaldgasthof Klugmayer (Deutschwaldstraße 1, 3002 Purkersdorf).

Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to complete the survey!

Click here for the online survey