Pilgrim project (2023)

"Living consciously - giving a future".

The "Pilgrim" project is a follow-up project to the "72-hour" project of 2018. "Pilgrim" combines education for sustainable development with a religious-ethical-philosophical educational dimension under the motto "Living consciously - giving a future".

In late 2023 25 students from the Purkersdorf high school and it's partner school in Pszcynic (Poland) renovated the wooden slab bench created in 2018 and planting around it young willows. The students also replaced some old fence posts of the donkey enclosure and re-strenghened the fence.

Through manual labour during this project the young people's social commitment was combined with international exchange .

We would like to thank all those involved: the Purkersdorf parish provided food & drinks; and the local Koos company provided the pallets.