Relaxation in a landscape full of life
Relaxation under the beech canopy
We offer attractive and well-kept recreational facilities that correspond to the landscape character. We allow our visitors both nature experiences and rest areas for relaxation. We take special care for children's needs.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the federal capital Vienna, the Purkersdorf Nature Park is an ideal place to spend relaxing hours in the forest and recharge your batteries. With a network of hiking trails, viewpoints and recreational areas, every guest may an appropriate place to relax, whether as a family with children or as a day-trip explorer.
Our park offers the following recreational opportunities:
- Circular trails with different themes (Spechtweg, Salamanderweg, Fledermausweg, Buchenweg, Danebenweg) and the Rudolfshöhe lookout point
- A forest biotope and the forest meadow (at Schöffelstein with a monument for Josef Schöffel)
- Wild boar, roe deer and stag enclosures with information about significance and life of the animals
- Animal enclosure with traditional farm animals (sheep, goats, donkeys)
- The Wienerwaldhaus at the visitor center has a showcase museum about the life of the Wienerwald farmers 100 years ago
- "Holzlabor" with wooden sound bars and information about the wood as a raw material
- Several resting areas and activity zones for children on the Kellerwiese, at the visitor center Deutschwald and at the "Blätterdach-Lichtblick" location