Upgrading the Rudolfshöhe lookout point (2022)

Improvement for our visitors

After a leisurely hike through an old beech-hornbeam forest in our nature park, the 30-metre-high viewing platform, which was built in 1977, offers a magnificent view of Vienna and the Wienerwald, as well as of a protected part of the biosphere reserve, where you can see how a formerly commercial forest develops into a future primeval forest without human intervention.

As part of the project, we renewed the outdated signage on the path to the lookout point and at the lookout point. This made it easier to find the lookout point and updated the tourist information at the lookout point. The work was coordinated with the Vienna Woods Biosphere Reserve and the Vienna Forestry Department MA49. 

At the same time, in order to improve the overall appearance of the access to the lookout point, we updated the weatherproof shelter there, repainted it and made it more attractive for tourists.

The project was subsidised to 50% each by the municipality of Purkersdorf and the Landscape Fund of the Province of Lower Austria.