Stepping stone biotopes (2022-23)

We safeguard habitats

"Stepping stones" (in German "Trittsteine") are small areas that connect two larger biotopes. They are needed because the intensively farmed or populated cultural landscape represents a barrier to migration.

In 2022, we have designated and demarcated twi "stepping stone biotopes" in old European beech (fagus sylvatica) stands with associated deadwood. In 2023, we have prepared two further sites so that we can designate them as additional stepping stone biotopes.

The "Trittsteinbiotop" programme is organized and coordinated by the Austrian Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW). 

Such stepping stone biotopes enable the networking of habitats, serve as refuges for species with limited ranges and promote the recolonisation of endangered populations. In particular, we offer a favourable habitat for the protected oak longhorned beetle. To ensure that our visitors also benefit, we have set up information boards about the importance of stepping stone biotopes for ecology and research.

Further information on stepping stone biotopes (in German):