Strategy for improving our forest education programs (2022)

Expanding our educational facilities at the nature park centre

We requested a professional concept for the further improvement of our educational programs from an external consultant. We have been implementing the recommendations on an ongoing basis since 2023.

As part of this external technical expertise, an external consultant has provided options for expanding and focusing of our educational facilities at the Nature Park Centre.

In particular, the content of the existing "Holzlabor" (wood laboratory) was revised with respect to the planned forest classroom (through conversion of an existing storage room). Due to lack of funding, however, the latter is still in the planning stage. We plan to establish the classroom in the near future, in line with the adjaced "self-service" museum about the former life of forest farmers and their work with wood as a raw material.

In addition, using a suggestion from the expertise, we have decided to emphasize the common beech (fagus sylvatica) species new main theme for our nature park und we have meanwhile implemented a new logo showing the shape of a beech leave.

Supported by the Expert Pool Program of the Lower Austrian Nature Park Association (VNN)