What we work for: our mission statement

The Purkersdorf Nature Park is one of the smallest, but one of the most visited nature parks in the federal province of Lower Austria.

Our goal is to preserve and increase the biodiversity and the variety of species in the natural habitat along the "Wien" river in the western Wienerwald, and to enable people to experience nature with all their senses during all seasons of the year.

The Purkersdorf Nature Park is partner of the province of Lower Austria in realising a sustainable future.

The Purkersdorf Nature Park...

...follows the mission statement of the Association of Lower Austrian nature parks and the underlying 4-pillar model (nature conservation, education, recreation and regional development). 

  • In realising its goals we do not view these 4 pillars in isolation, but rather intertwined throughout. the nature park uses its strong roots in the region to offer an attractive recreational area in which visitors receive suitable educational offers on nature and climate protection.

...safeguards the diversity and beauty of the Sandstone Vienna Woods natural area and preserves the typical cultural landscape.


  • ...we create additional habitats for animals and plants that are unique to the area.
  • ...we attach great importance to involving people as competent partners for nature conservation.

The Purkersdorf Nature Park enables its visitors to better recognise the connections between nature and society.


  • ...we use tried and tested traditional information materials as well as innovative interactive and digital forms of experiencing nature.
  • ...we take special care of the next generation and enable schoolchildren to enjoy learning in and from nature.

...offers attractive and well-maintained recreational facilities that are in keeping with the character of the landscape.


  • ...we enable the population and guests to enjoy a variety of nature experiences as well as peace and relaxation.
  • ...we offer exciting themed trails and educational forest play areas especially for young families.

...strengthens the local quality of life and is an important node in the community's social network.


  • ....we offer clearly recognisable benefits for society and a climate-friendly economy. 
  • ... we cooperate with regional producers, service providers and associations to support sustainable regional transformation.